Inspiring and finding meaning

Take part in meaningful assignments, get involved in innovative projects, learn from and be inspired by others.

Take part in a human adventure!

Throughout the year, our employees are given the chance to take part in various events, company projects, meetings or workshops that foster exchanges of ideas, practices or experience. These events are open to all and are designed to inspire, and to promote sharing and learning.

Specialist communities, Expert’tease webinars, Masterclasses, Tell&Share or Share2Know meetings, skills sponsorship, contributions to Innovation Lab projects, mentoring programmes, the Incredible Talents club: these opportunities to learn or share are just some of the ways you can deepen your know-how and soft skills. Whether purely professional or more personally engaging, the diversity of topics and their content enable anyone who is willing to play an active, creative and innovative part in the company.

Do you have to be a start-up to innovate or do you just need an innovative spirit?

Find out the analysis of Jean-Frédéric Real, Marketing and Innovation Director at Scalian.


Read more

Eliott, PhD in the Innovation Lab

Think outside the box with the Innovation Lab

As a research and innovation centre, the Lab works to address our clients’ future challenges. But it is also a real collaborative platform and incubator for all Scalian employees.

The Lab deals with numerous topics related to all the Group’s various activities. As such, it enables engineers to collaborate or co-innovate alongside the PhDs working in the Lab.
Conversely, some Innovation Lab team members may be required to interact within think-tanks or working groups as part of internal projects, responses to calls for tender, client assignments, etc.
This principle of “cross-fertilisation” helps build bridges between the different communities of experts and enriches everyone’s experiences at different levels (technical, organisational or methodological).

Find out more about the Lab’s activities


Our commitments in figures


business communities within Scalian Group


Expert'tease webinars organised every year on average


research projects carried out in the Lab in 2022

Be part of a community

Getting involved in the Group’s life and development by spending more time with your peers is what our expert networks are all about:

  1. DIT « Do It Together » practices involve bringing together communities that reflect, develop and enrich offers/expertise in their field.
  2. Expert’tease webinars are given by employees and devoted to a different technical subject each time. They are aimed at other Group employees or even an audience of clients, partners or students.
  3. TELL&SHARE meetings are agency-wide get-togethers for exchanging and sharing knowledge and best practices among employees.
  4. The Incredible Talents Club allows anyone to share their hobby or passion with the entire Scalian community.

Find out more about the DIT community

Les communautés de pratiques chez Scalian

Get involved, give meaning to your work

All employees are welcome to get involved in initiatives that contribute to our CSR approach.

Here are some examples relating to mobilisation for the environment, social commitment, knowledge transmission and more:

  1. Take part in environmental actions: Cyber World CleanUp Day, Reforest’Action, local waste collection initiatives, Climate Fresk training, etc.
  2. Become an adviser: get involved locally and become one of our CSR or disability contact points.
  3. Pass on knowledge, coach others: become a Scalian Academy trainer, join the mentoring programme, become a schools ambassador, or write expert articles for our communication channels.
  4. Skills sponsorship: help an association accomplish its work thanks to your experience or expertise.
Programme de mentoring Inspire

Every year, within the framework of our partnerships with schools, our engineers help students in many different ways.

Here, our partnership with the students of the INSA in Rennes


Pay close attention to assignments

In our business, our employees need to know why they are working for our clients. They need to understand the challenges and goals of their assignment. At Scalian, we are committed to supporting each employee from the very start of their assignment.

Mechanisms such as preparation interviews, follow-up sessions, kick-off meetings or feedback from annual satisfaction surveys enable us to sound out our consultants about their aspirations.
We make sure that the employee has a real interest in the project and will be able to reach their full professional potential. It is also important to explain the project’s scope and impact from a societal, technological, economic and social perspective.

Unleash your potential
with Scalian

Join passionate men and women.
Develop yourself in an organisation where professionalism and entrepreneurship go hand in hand with kindness and caring.

Trouver votre vocation en rejoignant Scalian