
The environment is a key issue, with an impact on all human activities. In order to change behaviour and to comply with regulations, companies need to create innovative, sustainable, people-friendly systems.

A sustainable approach to protecting all life and ecosystems

This sector is expanding at speed, driven by the ecological transition, eco-design and the circular economy. Key concerns include the decarbonisation of business, and the need for innovative, sustainable solutions placing the emphasis on people.

How can humans live in harmony again with nature? This is an essential question for companies and their long-term viability.

Gilles Boeuf, Professor at the Sorbonne University, gives us his analysis.

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Protecting the ecosystems

The “BEPS-IA*” project with WaterShed Monitoring aims to create a platform to assess water quality (predicting the presence of cyanobacteria) using satellite images and AI.
*Bloom Event Prediction by Satellite Images Analysis

Scalian has developed a solution that combines video protection and algorithms to fight against illegal dumping in urban areas.

Une application web pour calculer les aides à la rénovation

Scalian worked with ADEME and the Ministry of Housing on development and maintenance of Simul’Aides, a web application that enables the general public to calculate housing renovation subsidies.

Des solutions applicatives pour soutenir l'opérationnel et informer le grand public

Scalian helped the National Forestry Office (ONF) develop mobile business applications in order to support its field staff in their various qualitative and quantitative forest-stand surveys, along with applications aimed at the general public for communication or prevention purposes (example: the Clés de Forêt mobile app).

Scalian accompanies players involved in environmental issues

Mercator Ocean
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Our specialists are available to discuss your business needs and the ways in which we can work together to unleash your potential.

Philippe Devaud

Global Market Director