From the outset, Scalian committed to work alongside its stakeholders: employees, clients and partners.
Confident in the future,
our business plan makes sense
I am convinced that our project, which consists in combining digital, data and human resources, thanks to our complementary technical and business expertise, is totally in line with the social, environmental and economic changes that all markets need.
We have defined our strategic raison d’être together, via an internal survey. Combining your many suggestions, we have chosen the following international statement: “Humans and technology to scale up sustainable performance”.
Specialists in digital systems, data, operations performance and management consulting, our vision of “Humans and technology to scale up sustainable performance” draws on our ability to operate in complex environments and to create tailor-made solutions by integrating both human and technological factors.
Our mission is to confidently implement systems that are adapted to specific human needs, with a long-term approach that is respectful of environmental and societal changes.
Yvan Chabanne
CEO of Scalian
To achieve its development strategy, Scalian Group is committed to implementing new priorities and projects from 2021 onwards, based on the following programmes:
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