SCALIAN strenghtens its avionics & unmanned offers with the acquisition of MANNARINO Systems & Software

  • News

    21 June 2024

SCALIAN today announced that it has acquired the Canadian company Mannarino Systems & Software Inc. (MANNARINO), which specializes in avionics for electric aircraft and drones, and more globally in certified systems for the aerospace sector. The acquisition is in line with the Group’s strategy to expand internationally and focus on safety-critical systems and software engineering.



MANNARINO’s engineering team is dedicated to the development of safety-critical systems, with deep expertise in hardware and software designs for a wide range of aeronautic products, including those focused on next-generation electric aircraft and drones. Through its Transport Canada Design Approval Organization (DAO), MANNARINO also supports product certification for both airborne software and electronic hardware, assisting in the acceleration of development cycles.

Customers’ time to market is further reduced with MANNARINO’s high-performing, ARINC 653 compliant Real-Time Operating System; the M-RTOS. The certification of M-RTOS is nearing completion with a major European airframer.


A comprehensive solution addressing the challenge of sustainable mobility

Together with MANNARINO, SCALIAN will offer unparalleled avionics capabilities to its customers with coverage of the whole scope of avionics engineering from basic design and architecture to certification and maintenance, in both Europe and North America. Additionally, MANNARINO is highly involved in the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) market working with numerous clients to develop next-generation electric aircraft and drones. This expertise will allow SCALIAN to support the evolution of sustainable aeronautics over the next decade

Words from John Mannarino

“MANNARINO is excited to embrace a new chapter by joining SCALIAN Group. By building on the core competencies and excellent customer relationships of both companies, MANNARINO will offer its customers unrivalled added value and points of differentiation from competitors’ offerings. MANNARINO will continue to expand its engineering service solutions to meet the ever-increasing demand from industry and its customers for cutting-edge, agile and cost-effective solutions. We will take M-RTOS to new levels of technical innovation surpassing current market leaders and will continue to be the go-to service provider for both first-time applicants and customers developing next-generation products by continuing to grow our DAO in ways not yet imagined by the industry. As we enter this new phase, I want to thank the SCALIAN and WENDEL leadership for their vision. I also want to thank the MANNARINO staff for their dedication, expertise and teamwork, and, as always, I want to thank our customers for their trust. We will continue to deliver for all our stakeholders with continued high quality and respect for all.”

John Mannarino, founder of MANNARINO


Words from Yvan Chabanne

“The acquisition of MANNARINO is the first step of our 2028 goal to enhance our position in North America and in our System & Software Engineering practice. This partnership directly addresses the acceleration of customer needs in complex and safety-critical embedded technologies. MANNARINO is very well-recognized for its know-how in the iconic field of eVTOLs, with the ability to deploy certifiable code through its DAO accreditation, supplemented by its very innovative home-made solution for onboard operating systems. I am convinced that revenue synergies to be achieved will enable SCALIAN to significantly expand its offering by integrating high-performance systems, including AI, in the next generation of products to the benefit of our customers. Sharing the same values with the MANNARINO team, which is led by founder John MANNARINO, was a key element in bringing our businesses together. With a common vision, we share the ambition to succeed for our employees and our customers. We welcome the fantastic MANNARINO team on board!”

Yvan Chabanne, Scalian CEO



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