Training at Scalian

Training for growth and development.

Scalian propose une vaste palette de possibilités en termes de formation

Skills development as a priority

The Learning and Skills Development department is entirely devoted to you, because training and supporting you is our priority.

From the outset, Scalian has been recognised for its expertise and exemplary know-how. Developing our employees’ skills is at the very heart of our strategy, so fostering your expertise and improving your skills is part of our daily lives. How do we do this? We create programmes that are relevant to your daily life and your clients’ environment, to enable you to acquire the skills needed for your professional development and employability.

And in practical terms…

This strong commitment is reflected in our daily work through an ambitious training policy, with time and tools dedicated to learning and the sharing of experience. This concerns:

  • professional certifications
  • technical and functional training programmes
  • soft skills
  • best practices

We strive for a multifaceted training experience to further embed knowledge, through:

  • face-to-face teaching
  • individual training programmes
  • blended learning
  • e-learning
  • virtual classes
  • thematic workshops
  • on-the-job training
  • sessions focusing on a single issue or technology
  • experience sharing

A dedicated in-house academy

Scalian Academy Learning Services is a dedicated organisation, certified as a training centre, which offers around 90 technical, functional and personal development training programmes, both face-to-face and remotely (e-learning or distance learning), delivered by Scalian’s leading experts, and praised by our clients. 47% of our employees’ training is carried out via our internal academy.

GATE, the learners’ forum

The Scalian LMS is currently being developed and GATE already offers each employee a personal space dedicated to their own training.