More than ever, reducing the environmental impact of the aeronautics sector is a major challenge to ensure its sustainability.
This is the aim of the FIVER project submitted by Thales to the European Commission, as part of the European Clean Sky 2* programme, and won by CGX AERO and Scalian. By optimising the performance of Thales’ Flight Management System (FMS) through Simulation and Data Science, the consortium will contribute to reducing the environmental impact of aeronautics.
These three French companies are developing methods to detect anomalies in complex systems such as IFR flight paths. CGX AERO and Scalian are working with Thales to reinforce the technological advance it holds with its Flight Management System, through large-scale testing methods integrating Simulation and Artificial Intelligence.
CGX AERO is using its expertise in creating and protecting IFR flight paths, while Scalian is providing technical know-how and expertise in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to create and deploy the tools, methods and models adapted to Thales’ needs. These principles will make it possible to increase the maturity of the FMS and determine optimised flight paths in order to reduce kerosene consumption, and thus the environmental impact.
FIVER is the first project that aims to reconcile the reference flight paths published by Civil Aviation authorities with their operational constraints and the data integrated in the avionics.
(*) This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Clean Sky 2, under Grant Agreement No. 820516