Scalian teams up with its long-term shareholder to define an ESG roadmap

  • CSR

    4 March 2022

In September 2020, Scalian Group and its long-term shareholder, Andera Partners, launched a project to converge our sustainability strategy and environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting.

This constructive exchange led to the definition of a common ESG roadmap whose progress is regularly monitored.

The work topics relate to:

  • Governance: business ethics and compliance, cybersecurity and processing of confidential data
  • Social: staff turnover and attractiveness on the labour market, employee commitment and loyalty, training
  • Environment: carbon footprint from transport
  • Supply chain: supplier assessment, responsible procurement
  • ESG impact of products and services: integration of ESG issues in the services we offer

The commitment and participation of stakeholders in the company’s societal approach is key to success. Scalian listens to its stakeholders, including its shareholders, and takes account of their expectations and requirements in its management strategy.
Scalian teams up with its long-term shareholder to define an ESG roadmap


Andera Partners ESG