The Global Compact is an initiative launched in July 2000 by the Secretary of the United Nations. Its aim is to build more stable and inclusive societies by proposing a framework of simple, universal and voluntary commitments based on 10 key principles:
- Principle 1: Promote and respect the protection of international human rights law.
- Principle 2: Make sure we are not complicit in human rights abuses.
- Principle 3: Respect freedom of association and recognise the right to collective bargaining.
- Principle 4: Contribute to the elimination of all discrimination in respect of employment.
- Principle 5: Contribute to the effective abolition of child labour.
- Principle 6: Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour.
- Principle 7: Apply the precautionary approach to environmental issues.
- Principle 8: Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
- Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Principle 10: Act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
By becoming a member in 2017, Scalian has committed to respecting the 10 universal principles of the Global Compact through its 5 CSR areas: Responsible Growth, Social Performance, Environmental and Energy Performance, Culture and Ethical Behaviour and Safety and Security.
Every year, Scalian renews this commitment by publishing its Communication on Progress (or COP). This document, which presents the progress made by our company in terms of human rights and sustainable development.